1 min readOct 22, 2018
I tried to set the layouts directly in the component just like how it is done in Nuxtjs… then I just change the App.vue
script...Here is how it looks like:
export default {
computed: {
layout() {
if (this.$route.matched[0] && this.$route.matched[0].components.default.layout) {
return this.$route.matched[0].components.default.layout + '-layout';
return (this.$route.meta.layout || 'app') + '-layout'
This way I can declare the layout in the component:
// About.vue
export default {
layout: 'default',
Maybe you can comment if this is good or if there is a better solution or if there are downsides of this approach..
PS: I also created an issue in the Github repo(https://github.com/darkylmnx/Layout-system-with-vue-and-vue-router/issues/1)